The Good Doctor's Tales Folio Eight【電子書籍】[ Randall Allen Farmer ]

<p>The Good Doctor’s Tales (Folio Eight) is a novella-length collection of additional material supplementary to the Transform series novel “In This Night We Own”.</p> <p>Folio Eight contains the following pieces: “Hilltop” (where we see Focus Shirley Patterson’s home for the first time), “Salvaging Chicago” (a Carol section), “Rolling Balls” (a Zielinski section), “Healing Revenge” (a Carol section), “Tonya’s Troubles” (an expanded section from the novel), “From Gail’s Second Phone Call With Tonya”, “Tom’s Recruitment” (an expanded Carol section from the novel), “The Aftermath of the Disastrous November Meeting” (a Carol section), and “Two Commanders” (including two 1964 flashback Zielinski sections).</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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